The premises

Presentations at AfNOG/AfriNIC

– AfNOG-1 meeting in Cape Town, South Africa from April, 30 to May 5, 2000.
Topic 1: “Denial of Service ((DOS), What they are and how to defend against them” presented by
Alain Aina
Topic 2: “How not to be a spam relay” presented by Adiel Akplogan

– AfNOG-4 meeting in Kampala, Uganda from June 08th to June 15, 2003.
Topic 1: “Content Security Panel” Chairperson: Sunday Folayan
Topic 2: ” Web security” presented by Joel Jaeggli
Topic 3: “SPAM” presented by Noah Sematimba
Topic 4: Network and Services Security” presented by Jean Jacques B

– AfNOG-5 / AfriNIC-1 meetings in Dakar, Senegal from May 16th to May 21, 2004.
Topic: “We all need CSIRTs in Africa” presented by David Crochemore – Member of the FIRST
Steering Committee

– AfNOG-9 / AfriNIC-8 meetings in Rabat, Morocco from May 24 to June 6, 2008.
Topic: “Why DNS-SEC?” presented by Olaf Kolkman
Topic:”Introducing CSIRT” presented by Yurie Ito (JPCERT)

– AfNOG-10 / AfriNIC-10 meetings in Cairo, Egypt from May 10 to May 22, 2009.
Topic:”CSIRTs and FIRST Activities” presented by Chris Gibson
Topic: “Network Level Spam Defenses” presented by Nick Feamster

– AfNOG-11 / AfriNIC-12 meetings in Kigali, Rwanda from 23 May to 4 June, 2010
Topic: “Is privacy on the Internet still possible” presented by Jean Robert Hountomey

– AfNOG-12 / AfriNIC-14 meetings in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania from 30th May to 10 June 2011.
Confronting the Threat Profile for Africa – Security for $1-day presented by Cecil Goldstein.


AfNOG-6 / AfriNIC-2 in Maputo, Mozambique from April 17 to April 22, 2005.
Topic: A half day workshop done by Liliana Velásquez Solha (CAIS/RNP) with the TRANSITS
materials – Training of Network Security Incident Teams Staff – operational and organizational
modules as the basis.

AfNOG-9 / AfriNIC-8 Meetings in Rabat, Morocco from May 24 to June 6, 2008
Topic 1: “Setting up CSIRTs in the Africa Region” by Yurie Ito JPCERT/Coordination Center.
(Half Day)
Topic 2: “DNSSEC: Why, how, why now?” by Olaf Kolkman and Alain Aina (Half Day)
AfNOG-11 / AfriNIC-12: Meetings in Kigali, Rwanda from May 23 to June 4 2010
Topic 3: “DNS SEC Tutorials” by Alain Aina

AfriNIC-13 meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa from Nov 20 to Nov 26 2010
Tutorial: Understanding and Identifying network attacks By Cecil Goldstein – Team Cymru

AfNOG-12 / AfriNIC-14 meetings in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania from May 29 to June 10, 2011
Two days training on Network Forensics & Malware Analysis By Cecil Goldstein Team Cymru


* Af-Cyersec2008 – Cybersecurity event in Cote d’Ivoire from Nov 18 to 20, 2008.3
An international conference on cybersecurity organized by Didier Kla was hosted in by the government of Cote d’Ivoire in Yamoussoukro, on the theme: “Building a digital space of trust in Africa”.
Organized with the support of Francophonie, the conference raised the need for collaboration between African countries in cybersecurity.

* Cybersecurity Workshop in Kigali – Rwanda on May 30, 2010
A Cyber Security Workshop was organized jointly with AfNOG/AfriNIC/AfREN.

 Cert training courses

by AfNOG, AfriNIC, AfricaAsia, AAU under the coordination of Prof Kilman Chon, with the support of the Government of Japan and JPCERT. The Team from Japan is coordinated by Prof Suguru Yamagushi
with Keisute Kamata and Koichiro (Sparky) Komiyama and Osamu Sasaki.

  1. CERT Introduction(CERT Training Course for Manager and Policy Maker)
    – May 31, 2010 at AfNOG-11 / AfriNIC-12 meetings in Kigali, Rwanda
    – Nov 23, 2010 at AfriNIC AfriNIC-13 meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa
    – May 30, 2011 at AfNOG-12 / AfriNIC-14 meetings in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
  2. CERT Training Course for Technical Staff
    – Nov 23, 2010 at AfriNIC AfriNIC-13 meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa
    – May 31 to June 02, 2011 at AfNOG-12 / AfriNIC-14 meetings in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
  3. Advanced CERT Training Course on Web Server Security Management
    – June 3 to June 4 , 2011 at AfNOG-12 / AfriNIC-14 meetings in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.


On June 5th, 2011; African delegates present in Dar Es Salaam have organized a BOF on the
creation of a Computer Emergency Response team for the African Continent. The Bof was
chaired by Adiel Akplogan, CEO of AfriNIC.

Thanks to : Christian Bope, Prof Kilnam Chon, Zareefa S Mustafa, Didier Kasole, Adiel Akplogan, Judith Modjoc, Jacques Houngbo, Jean Robert Hountomey, Itonyo Preye, Maduka Attamah, Dr Nii Quaynor, Prof Benoit Morel,
Abibu R Ntahigiye, Daniel Yakmut , Silas J Vem, Wale Adedokun, Eddy Kayihura,  Daniel Stern


Liaison at FIRST sponsored by JPCERT. Feb 2013.

Transits Training Classes Organized by FIRST.

AfricaCERT V. November 2013 –  Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
AfricaCERT VI – May – June 2014 – Djibouti, Rep Djibouti.

AfricaCERT Events.

AfricaCERT 0: BOF on establishing AfricaCERT. June 10, 2011. Dar Es Salam, Tanzania.
AfricaCERT I: “Promoting Cybersecurity”. November 22, 2011. Yaounde, Cameroun
AfricaCERT II: “Engaging the Education Community”. May 12, 2012.  Banjul, Gambia.
AfricaCERT III: “Enhanced Collaboration”. November 25, 2012 Khartoum, Soudan.
AfricaCERT IV: “What Solution for the African Continent”. June 19, 2013. Lusaka, Zambia.
AfricaCERT V : “Our Role in the African Internet Ecosystem Abidjan”.November 27, 2013. Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
AfricaCERT VI: Beyond Connection: Interconnecting for African  Development.  May 31. Djibouti. Rep Djibouti.
AfricaCERT VII: Call for Leadership and Responsibility.  November 2014.

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